

Connecting a card terminal to a cellular network

Automatically switch to processing payments using a cellular connection when the internet connection fails. Learn to enable and disable the cellular network on your terminal.

This guide covers: 

Getting started 

Fresha terminals are portable and fully integrated with your business account, you will need to connect to the internet. 

Before enabling or disabling the cellular network on a card terminal you will need:

  • Your terminal PIN codes.
  • A strong cellular connection.

Connecting a V400m terminal to a cellular network

To connect a V400m to a cellular network:

  1. On the main screen, press 9 followed by the green circle button on your card terminal.
  2. Go to Network and select Cellular.
  3. Access the Admin menu using the PIN code 5358 followed by the green circle button.
  4. Turn the cellular radio button ON.

TOP TIP: The card terminal will need at least 20% battery for the cellular network to work.


Q. What should I do if I experience data issues with my card terminal?
If you're experiencing data issues, try rebooting your card terminal. Ensure it's fully charged to complete the restart successfully. 

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