

Favourite reports

Get to the reports you need the most in a couple of clicks. Here we’ll guide you through how to create shortcuts to your favourite reports. 

In this guide, we’ll cover: 

Favourites overview 

Fresha’s reports allow you to track performances across your business and teams. With an extensive selection of rich reports and powerful tools at your disposal, you’ll find that some analytics can be more useful when reviewed often. 

For example, checking up on custom reports or areas such as appointments will likely be accessed more than static reports such as team working hours. 

To make reaching reports quick and easy,  save these to your Favourites which can be found in the reports menu. 

Adding and removing reports from your favourites

Reports can be added and removed from your favourites in a couple of ways. 

Starring reports

  1. Select the star next to the relevant report title. 
  2. The star will turn gold to show that the report has been saved to your Favourites.
  3. Clicking on the star again will change it back to an outline, removing it from your favourites. 

Using options

  1. Click on the relevant report to open it. 
  2. Click Options and select Add to favourites. The star next to the report's title will turn gold to show it has been saved to your Favourites.
  3. To remove the report, click Options and select Remove from favourites. The star will become an outline to reflect the change. 

Remove reports from Favourites 

  1. Head to Favourites under Reports. 
  2. Select the gold star next to the report title. 
  3. The report will disappear from your favourites.


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