

Collecting manual charges using a card terminal

Quickly take one-off payments from clients in-store. Learn to manually enter the total amount of your terminal before taking a payment.

This guide covers: 

Getting started 

Currently, manual terminal transactions are only compatible with the last card terminal model, Fresha S1. Before taking manual charges on a card terminal:

Enabling manual charge 

To enable manual charge on your card terminal:

  1. Head to Payments and scroll down to Card Terminals.
  2. Click on the three dots next to the relevant active card terminal
  3. Select Manual charge.
  4. Click Enable from the pop-up outlining the payment processing fees
  5. The manual charge feature will automatically activate on your card terminal. 

NOTE: You can disable manual charge for your card terminal at any time by following the same steps. Just head to Payments and use the three dots next to the relevant card terminal to select Disable manual charge.

Taking manual charges using your card terminal

Manual charges will always be recognised as walk-in appointments with no specified service attached. To manually enter the total amount before taking payment using your card terminal: 

  1. Tap the purple Payment button on your card terminal home screen. 
  2. Enter the amount you want to charge your client and tap Continue
  3. Take payment from the client when prompted to Present card.
  4. Allow the card terminal to process the payment and generate a receipt.
  5. Once Approved, take the receipt and tap Continue.

NOTE: All manual charge transactions, including tips, will appear as a Card payment under the business owner's account activity in your wallet and other areas of your business account such as reports. The transaction details will be a walk-in with a Misc service.


Q. What should I do if there is no payment button on my card terminal?
If the payment button is not visible on the home screen of your card terminal or if you see an error message labeled “Bypass AID prio,” perform a hard reset of your device. This will restore the payment button, allowing you to proceed with manual transactions.

Q. Is there a limit to the amount I can take using manual charge?
There's no limit to the amount you can manually enter before taking payment using manual charge on your card terminal.

Q. Does my terminal know which client the manual charge is for?
No, all manual charge transactions are added as Walk-ins so your card terminal will not associate this with a specific client. 

Q. Does the terminal know what service the manual charge is for?
Your card terminal will not associate a manual change with any of your services as the transaction will be set as Misc service.

Q. Can tips taken through manual charge be allocated to a team member?
All manual charge transactions, including tips, are assigned to the business owner, meaning tracking or assigning tips and sales to individual team members is not possible.

Q. Where can I find an invoice for using manual charge? 
Your monthly invoices will display the manual transaction fee. You can also view this as a Manual card charge under your business wallet.

Q. What is the fee for using manual charge?
A standard payment processing fee plus an authorisation fee will apply when using manual charge. This will appear as a Manual charge fee under your business wallet account activity. Find the pricing for all of Fresha's paid features, including fees on our website.

Q. How do I refund a payment that was taken as a manual charge?
To refund a transaction made through manual charge, open sales and select Payments. Locate the transactions and click on the Ref number. Select the 3 dots next to Rebook and click Refund sale.

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