

Gift card by time period report

Discover how to utilize the Gift card by time period report to track your gift card activities handle by your business.

In this guide, we’ll cover:

Getting started

Upgrade to Insights for access to premium reports, including the Gift card by time period report.

Gift card by time period report explained

The Gift card by time period report provides an overview of your Gift card activities (Issues, Expirations, Redemptions and Refunds) over your selected date range. The data provided by this report allows you to easily analyze and adjust the way you are using gift cards within your business:

  • Loss Prevention -A significant gap between issued and sold gift card values may lead to losses upon redemption. Monitoring this helps inform future gift card pricing decisions.
  • Policy Review - Accumulating expired values could signal an overly restrictive gift card policy. Consider reviewing customer feedback and adjusting the expiration policy accordingly.

Using the Gift card by time period report

The Gift card by time period report data results can be grouped by periods and filter by location for easy viewing.

Grouping options

Identify trends by arranging using the Group by drop-down menu to view when the gift card activity took place within the year by:

  • Day 
  • Week 
  • Month 
  • Quarter 
  • Year 

Date range

Select a date range using the calendar drop-down menu to view data within a specific time frame. The date range filter is based on the day the activity took place, and includes the start and end date of the selected date range.

Filter options

Utilize the filters drop-down menu to refine the data by:

  • Location - The business location where the gift card activity took place.

Understanding the Gift card by time period data fields 

Depending on the filters and groupings applied, a selection of the below fields will become available for you to analyze and compare.

  • Opening balance - Gift cards remaining balance at the start of the selected date range.
  • Issued value - Total value of gift cards issued within the selected date range, linked to the location where the gift card was sold.
  • Sold value - Total value of gift cards sold within the selected date range.
  • Expired value - Total value of gift cards that expired within the selected date range.
  • Redeemed value - Total value of gift cards redemption and redemption refund value linked to the location where the gift card is being used as a payment method.
  • Refunded value - Total value of gift card sale refunded linked to the location where the gift card is issued / sold.
  • Closing balance - Gift cards remaining balance at the end of the selected date range.


  • The Redemption value for gift cards includes redemption refunds, so this value could potentially be negative if there are only gift card redemption refunds during the selected period.
  • The Gift card expiration value refers to the remaining balance on the gift card at the time of expiration.
  • Redeeming Gift Cards at a different location than the original sale can impact the data fields when filtering by location.


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