

Payment transactions report

Discover how to utilize the Payment transactions report to effectively track and manage transactions. 

In this guide, we’ll cover:

Getting started

The Payment transactions report is available for free as a Standard report

Payment transactions report explained

The Payment transactions report provides a detailed overview of every transaction, including deposits collections, deposit redemptions and gift card redemptions that were processed within your selected date range.

Using the Payment transactions report

To effectively utilize the Payment transactions, select your desired date range, and apply the relevant filter to refine the data.

Date range

Select a date range using the calendar drop-down menu to view data within a specific time frame. The date range filter is based on the day the transaction took place, and includes the start and end date of the selected date range.

Filter options

Utilize the filters drop-down menu to refine the data by:

  • Location - The business location where the transaction took place.
  • Team member - The team member's name that processed the transaction.
  • Type - The type of transaction that was processed such as Sales, Deposits, and Refunds (this includes both sales and deposit refunds).
  • Payment method - The payment method selected at the checkout which can be defined in the Payment types page.
  • Payment amount - The amount range filter based on the transaction amount. Negative values will show refunded amounts.
  • Gift cards - Choose whether to include or exclude gift card redemptions.
  • Deposits - Choose whether you include deposit redemptions.

Understanding the Payment transaction data fields

When using the Payment transaction, a selection of the below fields will become available for you to analyze each payment handled by your business.

  • Payment date - Timestamp of when the transaction was processed. Refunds will have the timestamps when the refund is processed.
  • Payment no. - The invoice number generated once a transaction is processed.
  • Sale date - Timestamp of when the invoice was raised.
  • Sale no. - The invoice number associated with the transaction. When clicking on the Sale no. the sales drawer is opened.
  • Appt. ref. - The appointment reference number associated with the transaction.
  • Client - The client's name associated with that particular transaction. When clicking on the client name the client's profile will open.
  • Location - The business location where the transaction took place.
  • Team member - The name of the team member who processed the transaction.
  • Transaction type - The type of transaction that was processed such as Sales, Deposits, and Refunds (this includes both sales and deposit refunds).
  • Payment method - The payment method selected at the checkout which can be defined in the Payment types page.
  • Amount - Total payment amount that has been received or refunded.
  • Change amount - Amount returned to the client after the payment.
  • Gift card code - Code of the gift card used as a payment method.
  • Payment hour - Date and time when the payment was made in DD MMM YYYY, HH:MM a format (eg. 10 Jan 2024, 10:00am). 
  • Payment day - Date when the payment was made in DD MMM YYYY format (eg. 10 Jan 2024).
  • Payment week - Year and week when the payment was made in YYYY W00 format (eg. 2024 W02).
  • Payment month - Month and year when the payment was made in MMM YYYY format (eg. Jan 2024).
  • Payment quarter - Quarter and year when the payment was made in QQ YYYY format (eg. Q1 2024).
  • Payment year - Year when the payment was made in YYYY format (eg. 2024).
  • Payment day of the week - Day of the week when the payment was done (eg. Mon).
  • Payment week of the year - Week of the year when the payment was done (eg. 2).
  • Payment month of the year - Month of the year when the payment was done (eg. Jan).
  • Payment quarter of the year - Quarter of the year when the payment was done (eg. Q1).
  • Refunds - Total value of the refunds issued within the selected date range.


  • This report excludes voided transactions.
  • This report includes both the Deposit collection and the Deposit redemption transactions. That means if a deposit is collected and redeemed within your selected date range, the value is counted twice - one for the the collection and again for the redemption.
  • When downloading the report the Total row is not exported.
  • The Location, Employee, Client and Payment method names are historical values at the point the transaction took place and are not modified if the current name value is different.

TOP TIP: If you wish to see a summary of your payments, you can use the Payments summary report which excludes deposit collections, so the totals reflect the total value for your business.



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