

Applying discounts at checkout

Offer your clients the best deals with the flexibility of adjusting prices for various discount types. In this guide, you’ll learn how to apply single-item discounts and total cart discounts during checkout. 

This guide covers: 

Getting started

You can apply discounts during checkout for manual and cart discounts however, for pre-set discounts, make sure to create promotions and flash sales under Marketing first before using them.

Applying discounts to individual items

You can discount items in your cart, like services, products, memberships, and gift cards, in two ways.

Manual discounts

To apply a manual discount: 

  1. Open your Calendar.
  2. Select an appointment and click Checkout or create a new sale.
  3. In the cart, select the item you want to discount.
  4. Adjust the item Price by entering a lower value and Save.
  5. The item cost and cart total will reflect the manual discount.

Pre-set discounts

Start by creating promotions and flash sales that can be added at checkout. To apply a pre-set discount to an item: 

  1. Open your Calendar.
  2. Select an appointment and click Checkout or create a new sale.
  3. In the cart, select the item you want to discount.
  4. Add a pre-set promotion or flash sale Discount and Save. Only one pre-set discount can be added to the item.
  5. The item cost and cart total will reflect the pre-set discount.

NOTE: To edit or delete a manual or pre-set item discount, click on the discounted item within the cart, edit the Price and Discount as needed, and Save.

Applying a cart discount 

Additional discounts can be easily applied to the total cart value when checking out a sale. To apply a cart discount:

  1. Open your Calendar
  2. Select an appointment and click Checkout or raise a new sale.
  3. Where needed, add additional services, products, memberships and gift cards.
  4. Click on quick actions (the three dots) in the cart and choose Add cart discount.
  5. Enter the discount amount you want to apply and use the toggle to specify the value as a fixed rate or a percentage. The updated cart total will be displayed.
  6. Mark the checkbox if you want the discount to apply to service charges, where applicable.
  7. Click Add to add the cart discount.


  • Taxes and service charges will be recalculated after the discount has been applied.
  • If items in the cart are already discounted, the additional cart discount will be applied to the already reduced price of those items.

TOP TIP: You can track pre-set, manual and cart discounts under the Sales log detail and Sales summary reports. For a detailed breakdown per discount type, checkout the Discount summary report and use the “Exclude cart discount” filter to include or exclude cart discount from the view

Managing cart discount 

Applying, updating, or removing cart discounts can only be done during checkout.

Update cart discount

  1. Click on Cart discount within the cart.
  2. Adjust the amount, value, and service charge application as needed.
  3. Click Add to save the changes.

Remove cart discount

  1. Click on the trash can icon next to the Cart discount within the cart. 
  2. Reconfirm the discount removal by selecting Yes, remove.

NOTE: If a fixed rate cart discount is applied and an item is removed from the cart, the cart discount will automatically be removed if the total cart value becomes negative.


Q. Will the cart discount still apply if I remove items from my cart? 
When an item is removed from the cart, the cart discount will adjust according to the value type added: 

  • If a percentage value cart discount is applied and an item is removed from the cart, the cart discount will remain and automatically recalculate to the new cart total. 

  • If a fixed rate value cart discount is applied and an item is removed from the cart, the cart discount will automatically be removed if the total cart value becomes negative.

Q. Will cart discounts affect a team member’s commissions? 
When setting up team member commissions, you can choose whether you want the commission to be calculated before or after discounts. 

Q. What kind of discounts can I apply to the items in my cart?
There are three main discount types you can add to your cart at checkout: 

  • Manual discounts: These can be added to individual items within the cart by adjusting the item price. 

  • Pre-set discounts: These are flash sales, promotions and last-minute offers that can be added to the individual items within the cart.

  • Cart discount: This is a discount that can be applied to the total cart value when checking out a sale.

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