

Waitlist summary report

Get a quick overview of your waitlist trends and patterns using the waitlist summary report. Learn how to track how many clients are on your waitlist and how many have booked appointments gaining insights on client demands, including your most popular services and appointment times.

This guide covers: 

Getting started

The waitlist summary report is a premium report, available as part of the Insights add-on. Before using the report, we recommend:

How the report works

Through the waitlist summary report, you can find an overview of waitlist entries over various timeframes and groups such as, by weeks, team members, or locations. 

You can find: 

  • How many people are on the waitlist each day during a certain timeframe.
  • How many appointments have been booked from the waitlist.
  • Your most requested team members or services. 

Using the report

You can view the waitlist summary report by team member, service, or time period. This way, you'll see which services and team members are requested the most or the times of day when you're the busiest.

Filter by dates

The date range filter can be set to view data by days, weeks, months, quarters, or years based on the appointment dates requested by clients within the waitlist entries.

Things to note: 

  • Waitlist entries with multiple appointment dates requested will only show up in the report once on the earliest date
  • You can choose future dates to see upcoming waitlist entries.

Tracking report data

Understanding the fields available in the waitlist summary report will help you understand the information you can track. 

Understand waitlist values

In the waitlist summary report, you can track waitlist and appointment values.

  • Waitlist values:
    Data columns where the value mentions “waitlist entries” always show the full value of the waitlist entry, even when filtered or grouped by team members and services.

  • Appointment values:
    Data columns where the value mentions “appointments’’ show the value of the booked appointment. This may be different to the waitlist entry value if additional services are added to the appointment after the original waitlist entry.

Understand waitlist clients

Every waitlist entry must have a client assigned to it. There are two types of clients you can track through the waitlist summary report: 

  • New clients:
    Clients who have never had an appointment before the waitlist entry was created.

  • Returning clients:
    Clients who have had an appointment before the waitlist entry was created.

Things to note: 

  • The percentages of new and returning clients always add up to 100%.

TOP TIP: To help make the data easier to view and understand, click on Customize and add Charts for a pictorial view.


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