You can mass import your products so you can quickly set up your inventory for seamless ordering, tracking, and selling.
Read our step-by-step guide on how to import your products here.
You can mass import products using our product template, which you can download in Products. You can then input your own product information and upload it to Fresha to quickly set up your inventory, ready for selling or keeping track of the products you use. Alternatively, upload your own CSV file of your product data.
The Fresha product template explained:
Please note the following column headers and explanations for filling in your product data.
Product_name* eg. “Nourishing Shampoo”.
- Brand* The brand of product. If the brand name already exists in your inventory, the product will be assigned to it automatically.
- Category* Product category, eg. “Haircare” If the category already exists in your inventory, the product will be assigned to it automatically.
- Short_description Shorter product information with a maximum of 200 characters.
- Full_description Longer description used in the product page of online store with a maximum of 400 characters.
- SKU Product identifier eg. “SHMP-1234”. Should be unique for different products. If no value is provided, it will be generated automatically.
- Barcode Product identified from manufacturer or brand, ie "4015600116255". This should be unique for different products.
- Supplier Product supplier, ie “Salon Wholesale”. If a supplier with the same name already exists, the product will be assigned to it automatically.
- Full_price* Add the price your clients will pay when they buy this product. If you leave this blank, the default answer will be Error. To sell a product, the full price must be filled in. If you don't want to sell the product, put False in Retail_sales.
- Supply_price Add the price you pay to your supplier. Price used for adding stocks or creating stock orders to procure products from a supplier. If no value is provided, will be automatically set to 0.00.
- Retail_sales Do you want the product will be available for sales at checkout? Choose True or False. If you leave the field blank, the default answer will be False.
- Measure_unit Unit to measure volume, weight or size of the product. Accepted units are: ml or millilitres, l or litres, fl oz or fluid_ounces, g or grams, kg or kilograms, gal or gallons, oz or ounces, lb or pounds, cm or centimetres, ft or feet, in or inches, w or whole.
- Measure_amount The value to measure the volume, weight or size of the product. For example, if the product was 200ml, you would put ml in measure_unit and 200 in measure_amount.
- Unlimited_stock Do you want the quantity of this product to be set as unlimited? Choose True or False. Select True if you do not wish to track quantities. Select False to set how many items of the product do you have in location_quantity. If no value is provided, this field will be automatically set to False.
- Image_url Link to product image. An image can be uploaded to Google Drive, Dropbox, or used for another online store.
- Location_quantity The current quantity currently available at the location. If you have multiple locations, separate columns are provided. If you leave this field blank, the default answer will be 0, and the product won't be available for online sales. If you wish to set it as unlimited, without specifying stock, put True in unlimited_stock.
* These fields are mandatory
NOTE: A product import will not replace any existing products.
NOTE: The mandatory fields Product Name, Category and Brand are required for import, and the rest of the fields can be left blank.
NOTE: You can delete columns, although we recommend filling in all data available for your products. There are 4 columns that must remain in the file: Product Name, Category and Brand and Full_Price.