Daily Cash Up / Float, Petty Cash and Tips
Manage cash till float / Open & close action with permission / Petty cash usage / Tips payout, settling / Single day only / more detailed daily sales
Team Fresha
shared this idea
Head to “Sales” > “Daily Sales Summary”> “Cash Movement Summary” to view all of the payments and payment types you have taken in that day.
This is based on the date the payment was made. The Transaction Summary is based on the date the Invoice was raised.
The Cash Payment Summary of your payment transactions will help with Cashing-up at the end of the day so you know how much excess cash to remove from your till to balance it ❤️
If I take money out of the till for subdries.how do I show this on the system?
Hey Morgan, we'd recommend you track petty cash and expenses separately to your daily till, just until we have these features for you to manage them all under one roof. Eg have a separate box for tracking expenses :)
Hi Fresha Team,
I have a question .
How to know total tips by cash or by credit ?
Ex: Today, Total Tips of Lucie = 50$ ( Credit 30$ , Cash 20$ )
Thanks !
Being able to open/close the till with permission is important.
We need to be able to track thru the system cash paid outs for small necessaries.
Definitely need a more detailed Daily Sales Transaction Report!
Hello, is this feature active already? We need to have a feature wherein there's the start money (for money in register for changes) and an option to withdraw money for petty cash expenses.
And/or to close the register with some amounts (for change) so that the register can open the next day with the amount already.
I think it would help to have an opening/closing cash balance, cash carried forward, cash banked etc.