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Edit message on booking confirmation


I would like to edit the booking confirmation page with an instruction such as please check your email or something editable so i can send them to my consultation link.


  • Official comment

    Hey Team, 

    Thanks for sharing! Very cool suggestion. The good news is you can use our Consultation forms feature so that clients will automatically receive a notification to complete their form once they have booked an appointment 💙

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  • would like to edit the booking confirmation page with an instruction such as please confirm your appointment to the number provided like it was before

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  • Have the option to edit what the reminder messages say like it was previously.

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  • Yes, please let us communicate with our clientele the way we see fit. It is important for a business to have dialogue that represents their brand. A one size fits all approach does not work for us. Thank you.

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  • I'd also like the reminder text message to be rephrased, as I've had clients of mine thinking its me saying not to reply. This is in bold lettering, don't think it looks professional. Please change it back to the old way, so we can change the text reminder. Thanks

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  • Have the option to edit what the reminder messages say like it was previously.

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  • This is so badly needed!

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  • Totally agree, I use the SMS option only (not email), my previous template had my business name & contact number if any problems. Now the message is a tad rude with its (NO REPLY) at the end, one of my clients thought I had put it on purpose as she always texts me to say thanks for the sms reminder. Also by not having our business names it could be anyone, how many business use Fresha, example, a lady may book with me as well as another person for appointments on same day, yet texts will just state 'appointment tomorrow' so they will not obviously know which business each text belongs to. yes the client should know where they have booked BUT having our business name and contact number takes away any confusion.

    I appreciate updates are here to improve things but these recent updates have made such huge changes that maybe a warning or consultation period should have happened to weed out these issues before fully rolling out the update.

    I think it may be a good idea if you have some 'super users' who use the system within their business and any updates you have are used by them to trial out and iron any issues before a full roll out. This will stop the daily posts I see with everyone complaining about whats happened with trialing part of the system.

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  • I agree, the old responder messages were more versatile, personal and better. Is there any way to change back to the old system and un-register from Fresha? I'm not happy with the changes since registering for Fresha. 

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  • Extremely unhappy with the changes to messaging ... I am moving salons and need to add address to conformation texts but now I can’t .... This is a deal breaker for me and may have to look at alternatives !

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  • There is no change.....? We still can't customize the texts to say what we need them to say. Please fix this back to the way we had it when we signed up. Thank you.

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  • Totally agree, I use the SMS option only (not email), my previous template had my business name & and address. Now is a little strange because I changed my shop address and some of my customers think that our shop is on our old address, before this change our customers received in their reminder sms our address Please return to the old sms template when we can change the reminder text for our customers.
    Thank you

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  • YES! Defiantly!

    We also use only SMS only (no emails) & We should be able to totally customize ALL sms messages. We know our clients best and for some the wording is very important. Especially when sending a No Show message, we don't want to offend. 

    Also not sure the purpose of "See more: [APPOINTMENT_LINK]"  is, as you can't click on it? and (NO REPLY) shows up sometimes, but not always. But if there was a way to have our business name show instead of a random phone number that would be great!

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  • I would like to customize my text reminders based on the service! I need to remind clients to prepare for their appointments, for example come with a clean face/lashes to makeup services; but for a spray tan I want to remind them to wear loose clothes and exfoliate.

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  • Please change this back so we can edit the messages as we see fit.

    For instance my booking policy does not allow "no shows" to rebook with our studio, but the automated message now prompts them to do so.

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  • I am also disappointed with this change. Why did you change something that was working fine? Why did you think it was bad to let business owners customize their messages to their customers?

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  • I logged into this app today, since the friend I'm helping is finally getting around to getting his list of contacts to me so I can upload them. The problem is he's got so many clients and has them saved so poorly on his phone that I planned to just use their phone number as their first name and let him use the last name field to key in their name if he ever got around to it. Now, instead of sending out a confirmation text that doesn't include the name, it addresses them by their phone number. I'm gonna have to break the news to him and see if he still wants to use this.

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