Email confirmation for reoccurring appointments
Hi there. Will fresha be updating the email confirmation to include all reoccurring appointments when booked? At the moment it seems to only send out 3 of the appointments with no indication in the email that it is reoccurring.
Jess Taylor
shared this idea
1 comment
Thanks for your feedback! We really appreciate any ideas or suggestions you have, and have shared your feedback with our development team. This isn’t something we’re currently working on as each recurring appointment gets an email reminder for the upcoming appointment.
Recurring appointments can be built with an indefinite end date. Sending a confirmation email with indefinite dates would create a lot of email or notification issues for your client.
We recommend instead ensuring that your reminder email notifications are enabled and that you check out the previous recurring appointment so that the following appointment notifies your client reminding them of their upcoming appointment.
Partners can still cast their vote if they would like this feature built in the future.