Vouchers linked with Client profile
It would make check out simple and more efficient to link vouchers to show in client profile without having to go back to sales or making notes in profile. When showing appointment history, products, invoices, info, it would be great to show vouchers there!
Laurel Pontiff
shared this idea
We have some fantastic news to share with you! Based on your valuable feedback, we have released an update where clients' valid gift card codes are linked to their profile and also easily available to view as a payment option at checkout ✨
Yes!!! You have to pick a client at check out anyways. Might be nice if we can apply the number/code to link the voucher too. I write a number on my gift certificates and would like this number system to integrate to computer. It also helps me keep track of my physical gift certificates, like if a number gets skipped I know its missing. I can use different numbers/codes for physical and online vouchers. Like I number my Physical Gift Certificates 1000,1001,1002 and can do online voucher V1000, V1001,V1002
EVERY time I sell a voucher, I copy the code it issues, open edit client, and paste the code in client notes. Easy peazy, I have the voucher code showing the next time that client pays, where I can again, copy and paste it into the voucher code screen. The trick is, to sell the voucher to the recipient, not the person paying for it.