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Each Stylist to have their own timings for each service


It would be great to have the option to set the timings for each stylist for each service as some newer stylists may be slower i have thought that i could set each stylist a group then add their services with timings to this however this would cause a couple of problems for online bookings where the customer could only choose a stylists service and they wouldn't be able to see all times available for all stylist so they can choose random. This would be a great feature

very please with Fresha amazing job so far


  • Official comment

    Thanks to everyone who voted for this idea - this feature is now live!

    Get started with advanced pricing now. Click here to view our Help Centre articles if you’d like to learn more.

    If you have any more feature suggestions, create a post and vote!  Keep the suggestions coming - we’re always looking for new and exciting features that will help you! 

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  • Yes we have some that are quicker than others and would like to schedule accordingly.

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  • Yes different staff level = different timing
    Cut &blowdry
    Training - 1 hour
    Stylist - 45 minutes
    Senior/director - 30 minutes

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  • Allocating different timing for a same service to different staff would really help.

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  • We would need this because each stylist works differently that way we can manage their timing better

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  • this is a must

    i got around this for my junior by booking a break every half hour so it gives the apprentice 1 hour to complete the service. we then adjusted the price in store. you could create new services for each level of stylist but it would give you too many booking options when booking online  

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  • Hi All ❤️, thanks for voting and commenting! The team is working on an official feature for this, please also vote here so we can keep the voting numbers together: https://support.fresha.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/115002883389-Per-Staff-Service-Prices-Durations.

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