

How can I bulk edit or delete my products?

Updating products in bulk is a quick and easy function that allows you to update a number of products at once instead of going through them one by one.

Using the Bulk editor option, you can make the following updates to your Fresha product list in bulk:

How do I delete products in bulk?

  1. On a desktop, select all products on the page by clicking the checkbox next to Product name or select products individually by clicking a checkbox to the left of each product name and image. On a mobile device, click on the three dots for Options and choose Select products. Checkboxes then appear and you can click Select all or select products individually.
  2. Click on the red Delete button
  3. Confirm you wish to delete all selected products as this is a permanent action.
  4. The screen will confirm once all selected products have been deleted. 

How do I edit product prices in bulk?

  1. On a desktop, select all products on the page by clicking the checkbox next to Product name or select products individually by clicking a checkbox to the left of each product name and image. On a mobile device, click on the three dots for Options and choose Select products. Checkboxes then appear and you can click Select all or select products individually.
  2. When you finish selecting products, click on the Bulk Edit button.
  3. Select which prices to edit, and choose from 3 available options:
  • Increase by % of $: this action will add the % or absolute amount to all prices of products that you selected.
  • Decrease by % of $: this action will subtract the % or absolute amount to all prices of products that you selected.
  • Set fixed value: this action will set all prices of products that you selected to the specified value.

NOTE: Products that are included in existing Stock Orders will not be deleted.

NOTE: Products with prices set below 0 will not be updated.

NOTE: Products with retail prices set higher than special (or discounted) prices will not be updated.

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