All of our reporting has been designed to help you analyse the performance of your business by comparing sales across products, team members, channels, and much more!
The reporting period can be modified by changing the Date range and can be exported into PDF, Excel, and CSV formats. You can filter to show further breakdowns by date, staff, channel, or location.
NOTE: The date on reports is based on the date the invoice is generated, not the date of the appointment. For example, if an appointment is made on the 01 January 2021, but an invoice isn’t raised until the following day, the sales report will show the invoice for the 02 January 2021.
How are sales reports structured?
All of our sales reports are structured in a similar way, and include the following information:
- Gross Sales - Sales generated during the reporting period before discounts or refunds, and without tax.
- Net Sales - Sales generated during the reporting period after discounts and refunds, and without tax.
- Total Sales - Sales generated during the reporting period after discounts and refunds, and including tax.
NOTE: Reports are structured this way in order to simplify accounting procedures. For example, your Net Sales are reflective of your business's revenue and are the basis for calculating your tax liability. Whereas your Total Sales is reflective of total invoice amounts, and will generally correspond to payments received (before tips).
PRO TIP: If you notice that your sales reports aren't showing any data, make sure you are checking out appointments and generating invoices.
How do I run a sales report?
To start using your sales reports:
- Go to Reports, click on Reports, and scroll down to Sales.
- There are a number of reports you can run to help you track your sales performance across all areas of the business:
- Sales by item - Sales broken down by each product and service sold during the reporting period. This report is essentially a combination of the Sales by service and Sales by product report.
- Sales by type - Total product sales and total service sales during the reporting period
- Sales by service - Sales broken down by each service sold during the reporting period. Product sales do not show up in this report.
- Sales by product - Sales broken down by each product sold during the reporting period. Service sales do not show up in this report.
- Sales by location - Sales broken down by location.
- Sales by channel - Sales broken down by online sales vs. offline sales.
- Sales by client - Sales broken down by client.
- Sales by team member breakdown - Sales broken down by services, products, total sales, and vouchers issued for each staff member.
- Sales by staff - Sales broken down by the staff member that performed the service or sold the product.
There are also a number of time-series reports that help you analyse when your business is performing the best:
Once you've select which report you'd like to run:
- Click on Month to date and select the Date range from the drop-down or enter it manually.
- Depending on the report you’re running, you can filter the data by date, team member, channel, or location and Apply your changes.
- Once you’re happy with the filters you’ve applied, click to export your data and select PDF, Excel or CSV.
PRO TIP: Use the Sales log report for a detailed breakdown of every single Item sold during the selected time period including taxes, discounts, dates, and more.