

How do I add processing time or blocked time to appointments?

You may need to add processing time or blocked time to your services if a client is attending their appointment but doesn't require a team member's attention or you need some time to get yourself organised before your next appointment. L'ajout d'un temps de traitement à vos prestations permet aux membres de l'équipe de prendre plus de rendez-vous et d'optimiser vos réservations.

Add processing time between appointments

You may want to add processing time into your appointments when the service you’re providing requires some development time. For example, if your customer has a face mask that takes 30 minutes to dry, you can add processing time to free up team members to see other clients while the treatment is developing. 

To add processing time into your services:

  1. Go to Services and select the service you’re looking to edit.
  2. Scroll down to Extra time and use the toggle enable.png to Enable extra time.
  3. Select Processing time after and set the Duration.
  4. Save changes.

The service duration is the total of the service and the processing time combined. In your calendar, we’ll only block out the application time, so you can use the processing time for other bookings (including online bookings).

NOTE: Once processing time has been applied to your services, it'll be added automatically when you create an appointment with that service. 

PRO TIP: Processing time is a great way to optimise your calendar and add more bookings.

Bloquez du temps entre les rendez-vous

Some of your services may require block time between appointments, for example when you need to clean a room or restock the resources needed to perform a service. 

Block time will show on your calendar but won’t be included in the clients' appointment time. 

To add block time:

  1. Go to Services and select the service you’re looking to edit.
  2. Scroll down to Extra time and use the toggle enable.png to Enable extra time.
  3. Select Blocked time after and set the Duration.
  4. Save changes.

This will block any client from booking with you during this period but the additional time will not be included in the clients' appointment.


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