

How can my clients leave a review?

We want to make sure any ratings and reviews left on the Fresha marketplace are from verified clients. Only clients who have made and completed a booking with your business can leave a rating or review. 

To leave a review, the the appointment will need to be completed and checked out. Sending a client a 'Thank you for visiting' automated message will send a direct link to review and they will have the option to sign up for a Fresha account. The client does not need to have a Fresha marketplace account to leave a review or tip. 

If they have a Fresha account, a client can leave a rating or review by doing the following:

  1. Go to the Fresha app and select Appointments calendar_2.png to view their Past appointments
  2. Choose which appointment they’d like to review.
  3. They'll be asked to leave a rating as well as any additional feedback they might have about your services.
  4. Click Submit my review.  

PRO TIP: Clients can Rebook the same appointment by selecting Book again

NOTE: Client reviews are available to view on the individual client profile. Just head to Clients, select the client profile you'd like to view, and select Reviews. Any reviews left by the client will be displayed here.

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