

How do I sell products on their own?

If you have a client who wants to purchase a product without receiving any services, you don't need to create an appointment on your calendar. Basterà creare una nuova vendita.

To sell a product on its own:

  1. Go to Sales or click Add + on your calendar.
  2. Select New sale and choose the products you’re looking to sell. Use the search bar to scan a barcode or search any item in your inventory. Alternatively, click on products and browse products by category.
  3. Click on the product to add it to your cart. You can manually adjust the quantity you would like to sell. You can also assign the sale to a team member and apply a discount.
  4. Once you’ve filled your cart and assigned it to a client, click Continue and Add a tip amount if the client would like to add one.
  5. Click Continue to collect payment. You can accept a range of payment methods, including Send Link, Card terminal, Cash, Voucher, or Split Payment. If you select Split payment, you will need to choose which payment methods the client would like to use.

Click here for more information on how to raise an invoice.

SUGGERIMENTO: verificare regolarmente le scorte di magazzino dei prodotti in vendita e che utilizzi è un ottimo sistema per tenere sotto controllo l'inventario e individuare eventuali discrepanze nei livelli delle scorte. Clicca qui per maggiori informazioni.

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