Once your card terminal has arrived, it’s time to activate it.
Activate a V400m / e285 card terminal
- Plug in the charger to turn the card terminal on (if this doesn’t work, hold the green circle button on your card terminal for 5 seconds and allow a few minutes for the Fresha logo to appear on the screen).
- During startup, the display turns on and off a few times. Let the battery charge for at least four hours while you continue with the next steps.
- Press 1 followed by the green circle button on your card terminal.
- On the Fresha platform, go to Card terminals and click Activate next to the relevant terminal.
- On your terminal, access the Admin menu using the PIN code 5358 followed by the green circle.
- Tap Network and select Wi-Fi.
- Turn ON the Wi-Fi toggle switch.
- Select the + icon to scan for a Wi-Fi network to add.
- Select the Wi-Fi network you’d like to join.
- Enter the Wi-Fi password followed by the green circle button.
- Tap on the check mark to confirm.
- Within a few minutes, a Wi-Fi icon and cloud icon will appear at the top of the display.
- Once you have connected the terminal to Wi-Fi, it may start running some software updates which may take up to 20 minutes.
Activate a Fresha S1 card terminal
- Plug in the charger to turn the card terminal on (if this doesn’t work, press and hold the power button until the display turns on and allow a few minutes for the Fresha logo to appear on the screen).
- After selecting your language on the Welcome screen, tap on the arrow button.
- On the Setup Wi-Fi screen, select the + icon.
- Turn ON the Wi-Fi toggle switch.
- Select the Wi-Fi network you’d like to join.
- Enter the Wi-Fi password and select OK.
- Within a few minutes, a Wi-Fi icon and cloud icon will appear at the top of the display.
- Once you have connected the terminal to Wi-Fi, it may start running some software updates which may take up to 20 minutes.
After your card terminal has been activated, we recommend running a quick test sale through it to see how it works. Click here to learn how to process payments through your Fresha card terminal.
PRO TIP: The device is designed to execute software updates during the night, ensuring a seamless user experience without any interruptions during your productive day. For this, we strongly advise you to keep the device connected to a power source at all times to guarantee a smooth update process.