

How do I manage my business details?


To set up your account details or change important information about your business, follow these simple steps:

Business Name 

Your business name is displayed across many areas including on your online booking profile, sales invoices, and messages to clients;

  1. Go to Business settings and click on Business details.
  2. Under Business info, add the Business name you’d like to use on your Fresha profile, sales invoices, and messages to clients. 
  3. Click Save to apply any changes.

NOTE: Your Business Name and Location Name will be displayed on your invoices just in case you have different names for different locations. You can update your location name in Business settings under Locations.

Address and contact details

To set up and manage your address details:

  1. Go to Business settings and click on Locations.
  2. Choose which location you’d like to edit from the dropdown.
  3. Update the Location name to the new business name.
  4. Click Save to apply. 

NOTE: Your location address for online bookings can be edited under your Fresha profile by clicking on More Options and selecting Edit Profile.

To update your contact details: 

  1. Click on the avatar icon and select My profile.
  2. Enter your mobile number and email.
  3. Your country code is populated for you based on the country your business is registered to. Simply drop the first "0" and add your best contact number. Eg +44 1234567890 or +1 1234567890.
  4. Click Save to apply.

Time zone and format

Setting the correct time zone for your business is important as your calendar, bookings and client notifications will be scheduled based on the timezone you have selected. Fresha calculates time zones in GMT format, for example GMT +00:00 for London or GMT-05:00 for New York.

If you cannot find your exact city, simply choose one that shares the same time zone as you.

  1. Go to Business settings and click on Business settings.
  2. Scroll down to the Time zone and choose which time zone is applicable to your business.
  3. Decide which Time format will suit your business - 12-hour or 24-hour time.
  4. Click Save to confirm changes.

Country and currency

Check the Country and currency registered to your business.

To change the Country and currency of your business, you’ll need to delete your existing Fresha account and create a new one under the correct details.


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