

How do I set up a cancellation policy with capture card details?

Once you’re signed up to Fresha payments, you can enable no-show protection that requires clients to secure their appointments with a payment card. This means you can set a cancellation policy and charge a fee when clients cancel late or don’t show up.

Our advanced protection features can reduce no-shows and late cancellations by as much as 90%, saving you time and money by ensuring your appointment slots don’t go to waste.

To manage your no-show protection and set your late cancellation policy, simply follow the steps below: 

  1. Go to Payments
  2. Select Manage.
  3. Choose how clients pay for appointments.

How clients pay for appointments:

  • Collect upfront payments - Recommended
    Charge clients the full or partial amount at the time of booking an appointment. You can charge any remaining amount to their saved card later when completing their appointment. Click here for the next steps
  • Capture card details
    Require clients to confirm their appointment with a card at the time of booking. Saved cards can be charged later, when completing their appointment or when they fail to show up. Click here for the next steps
  • Point of sale only
    Payments can be collected only when completing a client's appointment at checkout. Clients will not be required to confirm their appointment with a card at the time of booking, so selecting this option means you will not have a cancellation policy in place. 


Next steps for 'Collect upfront payments':

  1. Set a percentage amount to charge for an upfront payment, or deposit. You can choose the same deposit amount for all services, or customise per service.
  2. Choose which clients to ask to pay upfront.
  3. Add additional terms and conditions for clients to read while bookings and confirming their appointments.
  4. Click Finish.


Next steps for 'Capture card details':

  1. Choose to enable a no-show fee, a late cancellation fee or both with the toggles.
  2. To enable a no-show fee you can charge when clients fail to show up, switch on the toggle and choose the percentage of the total value of services booked to charge. 
  3. To enable a late cancellation fee you can charge when clients cancel at short notice, switch on the toggle and choose how long in advance clients have to cancel or reschedule prior to the appointment start time. Next, choose the percentage of the total value of services booked to charge. 
  4. Accept the payment processing fees and Finish.


FAQs for card capture:

What does Fresha check with client card capture?
We check that the card is valid, has not expired or will not expire before the appointment takes place. If the card is not valid or will expire, the client will not be able to confirm their appointment and will be prompted to upload a new card instead.

What is the fee for card capture?
The standard Fresha payment processing fees apply per transaction. (For example, 1.29% + 20p in the UK.) Check the pricing page for the price for your region.

The small fixed portion (ie. 20p in the UK) applies to all appointments that are confirmed by clients with a card. The remaining portion (ie. 1.29% in the UK) will be charged if and when appointments are checked out with Fresha payment processing.

When do the payment processing fees apply?
The full payment processing fees apply when you a) use Fresha's card processing. The fixed portion of the card processing fee will apply (b) at the moment of checkout if the payment method does not use Fresha card processing or (c) at the end of the next day from the appointment finish time if the appointment has not been checked out.

Do fees apply if I am unable to charge the card for a no-show or late cancellation fee?
If the penalty fee cannot be charged, there is no fee applicable.

Do payment processing fees apply twice if the client cancels, and then rebooks online again?
If a booking is cancelled outside of the cancellation policy time period, the fee will not be charged. The fee is charged only when the appointment is protected by your late cancellation policy. 

NOTE: Please note that no-show and late cancellation charges are not automatic. You will need to mark appointments as cancelled or a no-show in your Fresha calendar, then click to confirm the charge to your client. Or, clients who attempt to cancel their appointment online will be prompted to pay the cancellation fee.

PRO TIP: You can override no-show protection for specific clients or appointments. Click here to find out more.

NOTE: To edit or disable no-show protection, go to Settings and click Deposits and cancellation fees and Manage. If you disable your cancellation policy, it will no longer be displayed on your Fresha profile and clients will not be required to confirm bookings with a payment card. If a client cancels late or doesn’t show up, you won’t be able to charge penalty fees.


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