If your business operates in multiple locations, you can easily manage your schedules, reports, and product sales for each location separately.
Add a location
- Go to Business settings and select Locations.
- Click Add a new location and add all of your location information, including name, business type, contact info and address.
- Add directions to your business location to help your clients find you easily when booking an appointment online.
- Tap Save.
PRO TIP: The Location name and Address will be shared with clients when booking online, and will be printed on invoices, so make sure these details are included.
NOTE: You can rearrange the order of your locations by clicking the , selecting Manage location order, and using drag and drop to choose how you’d like your locations to be displayed.
PRO TIP: Creating an email for each location means any replies to client email notifications will go straight to that location's inbox.
Edit a location
You may need to edit a location if you move address or your contact details have changed.
To edit your location information:
- Go to Business settings and select Locations.
- Click the next to the location you’re looking to edit and select Edit.
- Make changes to your location information, including name, business type, contact info and address.
- Tap Save.
PRO TIP: Add directions to your business location to help your clients find you easily when booking an appointment online.
Delete a location
You may need to remove a location from your Fresha account if you are no longer operating from there.
Before you're able to delete the location, you'll need to make sure that there are no future appointments booked with any staff at that location.
To remove all future appointments:
- Go to Sales and select Appointments.
- Change the filter to said location, update the date range to All Time, and click View.
- In this view, you'll see all future appointments that will need to be removed. You can remove these appointments by clicking each future appointment and cancelling them.
PRO TIP: In case you plan on moving upcoming appointments to another location, we recommend that you export this list before removing all future appointments.
Once you’ve cancelled all future appointments, your location can be deleted. To delete your location:
- Go to Business settings and select Locations.
- Click the next to the location you’re looking to delete and select Delete.
- Confirm you’d like to delete the location by clicking Delete.
NOTE: Once a location has been deleted, it cannot be undone. We don’t recommend deleting a location for seasonal or temporary closures. Unpaid invoices, as well as pending orders of products at that location, will need to be cancelled in order to fully delete the location.