

How do I change appointment statuses and colours?

Colours and statuses are designed to help you distinguish between different types of appointments depending on their status. You can also choose to colour your appointments by Staff Member or by Service group type. 

Appointment statuses and default colours

Changing the appointment status helps you track your appointments and keeps other staff members informed of the client's whereabouts. By default, a new appointment will be marked on the calendar as blue and changes colour based on the status you set the appointment:

  • Blue: New appointment booked
  • Purple: Confirmed
  • Yellow: Arrived
  • Green: Started
  • Grey: Completed (invoice generated)
  • Red: No-show

Changing the appointment status will update the appointment's color and add a unique icon to the top right hand corner of the appointment. To update an appointment status:

  1. Go to your Calendar calendar_2.png and click on the appointment you’re looking to update.
  2. Click on the appointment status dropdown and choose which status to update your appointment to.
  3. The colour and status of the appointment will update automatically.

PRO TIP: If you want to mark the appointment as a no-show, click on the appointment, go to More options, and select No-show.

NOTE: If your appointment does not change colour by status, you will need to head to Account settings under Setup and change your Appointment colour to By booking status and Save.

Colour appointments by team member

You can update your Calendar Settings to colour appointments based on the team member providing the service. To do this:

  1. Go to Business settings  and click on Account Settings
  2. Scroll down to Appointment colour source and choose Employee from the dropdown.
  3. Save changes.
  4. Next, go to Team and select Team members
  5. Click on a team member and assign them an Appointment colour.
  6. Save your changes.

When you head back to Calendar and create an appointment with a specific staff member, the appointment will now be displayed in the colour selected for that staff member.

Colour appointments by service group

Another popular colour combination is to colour appointments based on the service type, as it allows team members to quickly understand the service being provided with just a glance at the calendar.

To colour appointments by Service Group:

  1. Go to Business settings settings.png and click on Account Settings
  2. Scroll down to Appointment colour source and choose Service group from the dropdown.
  3. Save changes.
  4. Next, go to Services, click on the three_dots.png next to the service group you’re looking to edit, and Edit category.
  5. Scroll down and choose which colour you’d like to assign to the service group.
  6. Save your changes.

When you head back to Calendar calendar_2.png and create an appointment from a specific service group, the appointment will now be displayed in the colour you’ve selected.

NOTE: Completed appointments will always appear as grey, and No-show appointments will always appear as red. This is to help you keep track of which appointments have been completed vs. those that are still upcoming. 

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