For a full breakdown of your Sent to, Completed, To be completed, and Not completed forms, go to Forms, and click on the form you'd like to view. Once selected, you can check the status of your forms, send reminders for forms that are due, and review and print your completed forms.
PRO TIP: You can print completed forms by clicking the next to the completed form, selecting View client response, heading to Options, and Print.
There are a couple of other ways you can check the status of your forms:
Client profile
- Go to Clients and use the search bar to select the client whose form you’re looking to check.
- Click on their client profile and select Forms.
- Click next to the completed form and select View client response to view the details your client has provided.
- Go to your Calendar and click on the appointment you’d like to view.
- Under Forms you’ll be able to see whether the form has been completed.
- Click on the form to view the details your client has provided.
NOTE: To manage who can create, edit and activate your forms and who has access to client responses, go to team permissions, update the permissions under forms and Save changes.