

How do I create a flash sale?

With Fresha's flash sale feature, you can offer discounts on as many services or items as you want. This is a great way to quickly drive sales and increase revenue.

To create a flash sale, simply follow the steps below:

  1. Go to Engage, select Deals and click Create new deal.
  2. Select Flash sale, and fill in the deal’s name.
  3. Choose which services, products, vouchers, and memberships the discount will apply to, and select the dates when the flash sale will be active.
  4. Decide how much you want to discount as a percentage (ie 10% off) or a fixed amount (ie £8 off).
  5. If you want to limit the number of times clients can use the discount, set a total uses limit. Click Next step.
  6. If you have multiple locations, you can choose which ones will have the discounted prices.
  7. Finally, review the confirmation screen and make any necessary changes. You can edit, deactivate or reactivate flash sales, or any other Fresha deals, by going to Engage, select Deals section.

NOTE: Flash sales apply instantly to online appointments and sales. Your clients will see the new prices as soon as you activate the deal.

NOTE: Team members can apply flash sales to sales created during checkout at Point of Sale.

PRO TIP: Once you have set up your flash sale, tell your regular clients about your new deal with a blast message. Simply click Create a campaign from the confirmation screen and follow the steps. 

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