

How do I set up invoices?

Our built-in invoices enable your business to keep track of all sales, taxes, tips, commissions, and much more all in one place. To set up your invoices, you will need to add or update the following information:

Location name 

The Location name will be displayed at the top of your invoice and can be different from the business name. This is particularly important if you have multiple locations or if your registered business address is different from the location address.

To update your location name:

  1. Go to Business settings and select Locations.
  2. Click on the location you want to edit.
  3. Select three_dots_across.png and Edit location details.
  4. Add the Location Name, contact number (including your country code), and email address. Only the Location name, address, and mobile number will be displayed on your invoices.
  5. Save changes.

NOTE: Replies from client email notifications are sent to the email address provided within these location settings.

Address details

Your location address details will appear on the client’s invoice.

To update your location address:

  1. Go to Business settings and select Locations.
  2. Click on the location you want to edit.
  3. Select and Edit location details.
  4. Scroll down to Billing details for clients invoice and select Edit.
  5. Add your address information, including any directions that will help your clients locate your business.
  6. Click the blue tick to use the location name and address for client invoices and Continue.
  7. Save changes.

NOTE: These details will appear on the client’s invoice for this location as well as the information you’ve configured in your Invoice Template settings.

Invoice template

You can decide whether you'd like to add any custom information to your invoice, including details such as Company tax registration numbers and ABN numbers:

  1. Head to Business settings and select Invoice template.
  2. Click the blue tick next to the information you’d like to display on invoices issued to your clients.
  3. Create a title for your invoice.
  4. Add details to Custom Line 1 such as tax details.
  5. Add any other details to Custom Line 2.
  6. Fill out the Receipt Footer to include a Thank-you message.
  7. Save changes.

PRO TIP: You can also add custom messages directly to individual invoices at checkout. When you get to Checkout go to More Options, select Invoice details, and add your Invoice notes. These will appear at the bottom of the invoice. 

Invoice sequencing

Many businesses will need their invoice numbers to display in a specific order for accounting purposes and to help them track sales. To set up invoice sequencing:

  1. Head to Business settings and select Invoice Sequencing.
  2. Click next to the location you’d like to update and select Edit.
  3. Add an Invoice number prefix. (if you have multiple locations).
  4. Add the Next invoice number. 
  5. Save changes.

Once an invoice has been raised, the Next invoice number cannot be changed back to a lower number, as the system will have already assigned this number to an existing invoice so it is important to set up your number sequencing from the get-go. 

You can raise the Next invoice number to anything higher. If you have raised the invoice number and have not yet raised a new invoice, there is still time to change it back down to a lower value.

NOTE: The Invoice No. Prefix and Invoice number will be added after the Invoice title.

Staff provider numbers

If you are the only staff member providing services we recommend adding this to a custom line in your Invoice template. If you have multiple team members, we recommend you include the provider number next to the team member's last name so this is displayed directly on the invoice. 

To do this:

  1. Head to Business settings and select Team members.
  2. Click on the team member you’re looking to edit.
  3. Click on Last name and add their provider number after the last name.
  4. Save changes.


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