You can group services together so that your clients can book them as a package. To create a package:
- Go to Services and click Add new.
- Click New Service and Package.
- Add a package name, category, description, and choose who the package is available for.
- Online bookings will be enabled by default. Use the toggle to enable your clients to book your package online.
- Add the services included in your package. You can reorder your services by dragging and dropping, the order determines the sequence in which the services are added to the calendar.
- Choose the Schedule type. Booked in sequence means the services will be added to the calendar one after another. Booked in parallel means the services will be added to the calendar and can be performed at the same time.
You can choose to add Processing time or Block time after each service by clicking on the service name.
- Add the package price. You can choose to add custom pricing or a discount if you would like the price of the package to be different from what the individual service price would be.
- Once you’re happy with the package you’ve created, click Save.
PRO TIP: Booked in sequence schedule works for colour, cut, and dry packages. Booked in parallel schedule is useful for manicure & pedicure packages and it requires two or more staff members to be available at the same time for the package to be bookable online.
If you are a single staff member, your packages should be booked in sequence otherwise, clients will be unable to choose their staff members when booking this type of package online.
NOTE: The processing time will allow the team member to take other bookings during this time frame while the first customer is waiting the necessary time for the treatment to process (eg. coloring). The blocked time is used when you want to automatically add a a gap between each appointment that you use to clean up after the appointment, or prepare for the next appointment. No appointments can be booked during the blocked time.
NOTE: Any pricing changes to individual services within a package will not affect any upcoming booked packages. You will need to edit these appointments manually to update the price.