When it comes to attracting new business, first impressions are important, and using high-quality photos that show your clients what your business has to offer can help your marketplace profile stand out from the competition.
Check out our photo guidelines to find out what you should be using to showcase your services and start attracting new clients.
NOTE: Looking for tips on adding high-quality images to your inventory or product store? Click here to find out more.
Stock photos
We don't allow stock images even if they have been legally purchased by you or your business as they’re not a realistic representation of your services or business.
Branded photos
We don’t allow images where logos and social handles take up a significant portion of the image. As a neutral platform, we don’t want to appear as if we’re promoting any particular business.
Upload format
We only support JPEG file formats for photo uploads.
Image resolution
Your images should be at least 2800 x 1050 pixels and your files should be between 1MB and 4.5MB. When in doubt, the bigger the photo, the better. Use a DSLR or high-resolution smartphone camera.
NOTE: As the best fit for all images, we recommend using 5505 x 2060 pixels. Click here to view our full Marketplace image guidelines.
Landscape vs. portrait
If you’re using a smartphone, take your photos in landscape format. Landscape images display better online and in search results.
Number of photos
We recommend uploading a minimum of 2 photos taken from different angles of your workplace. Photos make your profile stand out and encourage clients to book with you, so show off any unique aspects of your work. You can upload a maximum of 6 photos per location.
Set the scene
Make sure you tidy up and remove any clutter to ensure your salon or spa looks spacious, inviting, and clean.
Take photos during the day. Open the blinds to brighten your space and use natural lighting where possible.
Use a range of photos to help clients understand what it’s like to book your services. Take multiple photos of your salon or shop's interior, pictures of your staff, and action shots of them working with your clients.
Key features
Highlight unique amenities. Clients love to visit salons with character. If you run a beauty salon, bring to attention details like your massage room or manicure table. If you run a barbershop, showcase your vintage barber's chair, reception, and hairstyling equipment.
If you have any questions or need any support, get in touch with our Partner Support team at hello@fresha.com.